Enrollment Process

Interested New Students

We are enrolling for the upcoming school year, 2024-2025 at the Native American Community Academy for incoming Kindergarten (child must be five years of age prior to September 1, 2024) and 6th grade and limited spaces for grades, 1st-5th and 7th-11th.

To apply for enrollment at NACA, please download and fill out the lottery application and send to our address below.

NACA Elementary School Lottery Application


NACA Middle/High School Lottery Application


Mail/Email/Hand Deliver Lottery Application to:

Native American Community Academy (NACA)

Student Enrollment Office

1000 Indian School Road NW

Albuquerque, NM 87104

[email protected]


Lottery Draw

The New Mexico Public Education Department has designed a lottery system that requires charter schools to hold an open enrollment procedure.High School

Once you have completed a lottery application, your name will be placed on a list for enrollment. Each school year, we accept 22 kindergarten students and up to 75 students for incoming 6th grade. Other grade levels will have varying number of spaces available each year. On the first of each month, we will hold a lottery drawing and students who completed lottery applications will be put into a random lottery draw. If there are more applicants than available spaces, the remaining students will be placed on a waiting list and called when a space becomes available. Or if there is no waiting list and space is available, students will be admitted on a first come first serve basis.

Priorities for enrollment

The following priorities apply to the enrollment process:

  • Returning students (i.e., students already attending the school)
  • Siblings of current students (depending on space availability)
  • Students whose names are drawn from the lottery, until all slots are filled.

 Registration Documents Required

Once a student is accepted and given notice, you will need the following documents to register:

  • Child’s birth certificate
  • Child’s updated vaccination records
  • Documentation of Tribal Affiliation/CIB (if applicable)
  • Final Copy of HS transcripts for all schools attended for 9th-11th grades
  • Student Records from former schools e.g. test scores, Special Education services, transcripts


**New Student Lottery Applications**

We are now accepting lottery applications for the 2024-2025 school year. Please make sure that your email address and contact information is up to date to ensure that your family receives future invitations and necessary documents to prepare for Open House sessions.

We look forward to welcoming you to our community, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Need Help?

The Title 1 Homeless Project provides outreach support to assist students and families with various aspects of the registration process. For more information, contact the Title 1 Homeless Project at (505) 256-8239.